Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) is an annual innovation ranking program of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India and being implemented through MoE’s Innovation cell and AICTE to systematically rank Indian higher educational institutions and universities based on their efforts to have dynamic and strong innovation and startup ecosystem in the campus. ARIIA was launched in the year 2018 to ensure that innovation and entrepreneurship should be primary fulcrum of all HEIs. ARIIA framework consists of parameters and indicators related to promotion and support of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst their students and faculties in HEIs.
- Setting direction for HEIs, towards streamlining and establishing a strong startup ecosystem in campus and region.
- Measuring Innovation & Startup ecosystem based on Input, Process, Output and Outcome based parameters.
- Focusing on both quantity and more on quality aspects of Startup Eco-System available at Institute.
- Also measure the impact created by these Innovation & Startup from Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in society and market.
- Aiming at uplifting India’s Position in the Global Index from 48th to 30 in time period of 5 years.
ARIIA ranking will certainly inspire Indian institutions to reorient their mind-set and build ecosystems to encourage high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship. More than quantity, ARIIA will focus on quality of innovations and will try to measure the real impact created by these innovations nationally and internationally. Moreover, ARIIA will set tone and direction for institutions for future development for making them globally competitive and in forefront of innovation.